Time to read 1 min
Time to read 1 min
Self Love. An English expression that we hear a lot at the moment... But what is it? We'll explain it to you.
The literal translation is “self-love.” You might think that this only encompasses love for one's body, but think again. Learning to love yourself means first of all accepting yourself, both your qualities and your faults, and taking care of yourself above all. Prioritize your mental and physical well-being, and try to be less harsh on yourself. Self-Love also means believing in yourself and your abilities to achieve the goals and dreams you have in mind!
In short, a positive wave that you create yourself to be fulfilled throughout your life! It makes you want to get started, doesn't it?
Before giving you our advice, remember that love for oneself is a long-term job, which requires daily effort, over the long term. For what ? Because it is always difficult to change our habits, but don't worry! We are here to give you some tips.
1/ Learn to see your own beauty, your own strengths. Take a few minutes a day to reenergize yourself. Compliment yourself on your appearance or what you are proud of about yourself. You deserve it.
2/ Surround yourself with people who love and encourage you. Value relationships that bring positive vibes. Whether in friendship or love, they are supposed to pull you up and not down.
3/ Stop making comparisons. REALLY It won't do you any good. You are unique and no one is like you. You are perfect just the way you are. Do not forget it !
4/ Learn to say no. Saying no when you don't want something doesn't make you bad, but rather helps you assert yourself. Don't force yourself to do an activity or action that doesn't make you happy.
5/ Take care of yourself. Be your own best friend, learn to forgive yourself for your own mistakes, take time for yourself and do what you love. It is important. Disconnect from everything, make time for yourself and just for you.