Correctly identifying your skin type is essential to ensure an effective and suitable skincare routine. Choosing the wrong products can not only reduce their effectiveness, but also cause blemishes or worsen existing skin problems.
In cold weather, the skin rests to conserve body heat.Cell renewalslows down, which causes a dull complexion. To maintain hydration, the hydrolipidic barrier must be strengthened by nourishing the skin with products rich in lipids (fats).
Even in winter, UV rays attack the skin. Protect it from sun damage with suitable care products such as Lift EFFECT , which repairs damaged tissues, and Hydrate EFFECT Cream , which deeply hydrates. Discover the right actions to preserve your skin all year round.
Beyond its defensive function, the skin is a showcase of our true well-being. Aradiant complexionand clear skin are signs of good overall health. It is therefore essential to take care of your skin daily and to consider detoxifyingtwicea year, especially after festive periods and shoulder seasons.
The blue circles are explained by the relative transparency of the skin at the level of the lower eyelids. The skin in this area is approximately5 times thinnerthan on the rest of the body, which allows the blood vessels under the skin to be seen, giving a bluish color.
Just like the surface of a couch, theepidermisis the outer layer of the skin. This is the part that undergoes the most wear and tear: it wrinkles,getsstained, and can become dehydrated. Like a couch that gets dirty over time, the epidermis renews itself naturally every 28 days. To preserve its freshness and suppleness, it is essential to perform ascrub,peel,orexfoliationregularly.
L'impact direct de la pollution sur la peau se traduit par une perte de souplesse, une déshydratation accrue, et l'apparition de taches pigmentaires. À long terme, elle accélère également levieillissement prématuré, provoquant des rides et un relâchement cutané.
Le manque d'hydratation est l'une des principales causes de l’apparition des signes de l’âge. Une peau déshydratée perd de son éclat, devient plus fine et donc plus vulnérable aux agressions extérieures.